One of d BEST Day in My Life!!!


In the morning, there was a seminar by Rahul Gandhi. He an Indian politician and member of the Parliament of India, representing the Amethi constituency. And you know what.. He is sooo so so soo cool!! He brings us to a frankly and friendly conversation while in fact that our topics was heavy; politics, economics, terorism, poverty, and bla-bla. That’s one thing that I like from him. The other thing is he admit that he doesn’t know something or dunno how to answer the question. Doesn’t mean that he is stupid (of course noo), he just like lack of information about the topic that been asked by a student. But it soo cool how he admit that he doesn’t know. I think its better than pretend that you know but empty and hollow answer.


Actually, I have sniffing bout his biography last night, so I know what to do and what to ask. And I did..! I’m soo proud to me.. ;P. I asked… Is it easier to enter politics with background of politician family or no. And he said that it's easier to enter politics with politician family background. But also we need to give the best. My last question is asking him whether he ever felt pussed by his big last name. And he said “No”. He’s cool with that.

Hehehehe… I got my picture with him and also his autobiography . Horraaay!!! Let me show u that..  CIMG3765

See.. In the right upper side.. That’s his signature. Hohohoho.. I’m so happy. I don’t care if I don’t have Tamer Hosny autobiography. It doesn’t matter. I want politicians signature.  Actually what I wrote there are information that I got about Rahul Gandhi and also some question to him.

And the other important thing is.. RAHUL GANDHI IS HANDSOME!!! Ahhhhhh… I feel like I’ll be faint.. ;p

And then, at the end, I talked to the Ambassador of India for Egypt. Wooo… His name is R. Swaminathan. I got his card. Coz I was asked him about the tips to be an Ambassador (that’s my dream by the way..), and at the same time Rahul Gandhi wanna go out from the room while we were in front of the door. But we have a good conversation actually. Ooohh… FYI, I shook my hand with both of them. Wooow!!! I’m sooo happy. Can’t stop smiling. The message that Ambassador gave me in the back of his card is “All the best to be a successful diplomat.” –and then his signature. :) :D I’m so lucky…


He is so friendly by the way. I like this kind of person, who already hold a big and important position but still friendly to everyone. :)

I’ll show u the card (the signature) later.

My friend, Khaled,  in the 4th Year, got the card of Rahul Gandhi. He gave Rahul Gandhi a kind of soooo excellent question, and also the audacious that he showed us in using Hindi language to ask Rahul Gandhi. He asked about something connected to terorism (Taliban) and those three countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. :D At the end, Rahul Gandhi told him that he will look forward after him (my friend). Woo.. He took picture also with him (actually we cooperate each other to take picture with Rahul Gandhi.. hehe… Oh, He have the other picture of mine which is sooo great (candid when Rahul Gandhi gave me his authograph).


In the afternoon, I met Ali Zaky, my friend in imEU’09 model. :D He didn’t apply for this year. And then he gave me his precious match. :D He gave me his pink-violet (which is his favorite color maybe..). I’ll keep it Boy.

Ok. I gotta sleep. Ttyl.


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  • Alooha...!
    Welcome to my second blog but d first one with english. ;D
    Let me know if u need help... :)

    Soup of d Day

    You have all the skills in the world. But you have no confidence. {I Love U, Man movie}

    Where r Dey
