Finally.. I MOVE!!
Yesterday, finally I moved out from that godda## apartment.
Wait, wait.. what's happened Bee?
Yea.. they were kicked me out with a pretty smooth way, which is hurt, and of course I'll never ever forget that. ....How they think becoming a student in FEPS is easy.. Hahaha... for your own sake, don't you dare talk so unless you ever try it.

"####a paham banget Bel, gimana cara belajarnya anak Lughoh, mereka itu ga bisa pake sistem SKS." (####a really understand Bel, the way Art's students study, they can't use a nite-express-study system)

Oooh.. so she thinks that I can study with that nite-express-study system??? Helloo.. Use your glasses please!
Can't you see how I woke up in the middle of the nite only to read my super duper heavy book?
can't you see how early i went to college? (Ok.. ok.. you were sleeping at that time)
And so on.. (Many things that I wanna say actually.. But I don't think its good enough to be read..;p)

As the opposite.. I know very very well... HOW they (Art's student) study. I've been here for 4 years... My sister was in that faculty. Also my best friend. Of course i know everything about ‘how these student should study’. And I'm dare to say.. that it's easy to get good mark there (they are Al-Azhar students). Although at the end.. it comes back to your own intention.
Come on.. you have tons of senior from the same country who can teach you privately. While me… I have zero.
Also, our embassy program (I forgot the name) helps you alot. It'a aaaall for you.. Not for me, a Cairo University' student.
Can you at least use your brain and eyes to see something wider???!!! OH GOSH!
Well.. Let's leave it in the past. They don't deserve to be kept in my mind.

The good news is: I MOVE TO GIZA.
Where's exactly? Near to Cairo University Student Hostel for Female. U know Tawhid W Nour near to the hostel? There's a small street exactly before it. I live in building number 10. ^^ I live in the first floor, apartment #3. Actually I still don't know how to write my address... :P

Hm... This house is perfect!!! well.. not that perfect, almost! Coz got some problem with water stream.. too slow. But I got 2 rooms, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom, full furniture. And also 2 garden (hahaha.. floor garden). There is factory next to my building (quiet close..) which means that there'll be no peeper. Lol!! I ever got bad experience with peepers by the way..

1. Ajmal. He helps me too much in looking-a-place-to-live mission.
2. Khaled Syawky. I found this apartment with him! He helps me a lot. Thank you.. thank you...
3. My Parent and sister. They help me to stay strong in facing those problems.
4. My friends who were seeking an apartment for me. Include: Sik, Nika, Kak Hakey, Es.O. :D

Thanks a lot to Aan and friends who help me moved my stuff to the new apartment.

I'm so happy that I finally move. =D After soo many bad luck.. at the end God gave me something sweet.



note:* ####a is a name.

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  • Alooha...!
    Welcome to my second blog but d first one with english. ;D
    Let me know if u need help... :)

    Soup of d Day

    You have all the skills in the world. But you have no confidence. {I Love U, Man movie}

    Where r Dey
