With the fact that I have a very ‘annoying’ assignment.. how can I accept my self to sleep that much..???!!! Aaaaaakh! Could you imagine.. yesterday i slept at 2 am – 8 am. And then woke up, playing with this lovely laptop (I have no lecture to attend in Monday), and then I slept again (I guess..) for 1 hour. At night I slept from 1.45 am (todaaay) till 8 am. OMG!!!! I will (maybe) have a quiz today in Political Thought. Hhhh.. zzzzzzzz!!!!
But, lets take the good side of this.. Last week, its been a hard days of mine. Never sleep enough (I mean.. quite enough for me, but not enough for ‘good-sleep-theory’), I slept only 3 hours. Well.. well… I think my body asked her right. Hhh.. Ya ya ya..
Now I should work harder to finish this book. Och.. I’ll do it after mid-term exam. What I need to do now is study Political Thought, Comparative Political System, Statistics, Public Administration, Economics History of Egypt (wt d..!!?), and Research Method (maybe…). Ahaha.. I wrote all of my subject. Wt d…!!?
Pray for my sake plz… Tnx a lot! ;D
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