Start D New Rythm
I have my own blog in english... Finally..! It's been a long time I wanna make a blog in English, but because years ago my friends are Indonesian, mostly (well.. till now also..;p), so I make a blog in Indonesian language. Wanna see? Come!

Now I will try to be as active as possible to a blogger. Hahaha.. u know what.. I've been received e-mail bout how to be a goooood blogger since last year, but I didn't really read those bunches of email till now. My bad!! Grr!!!!!

What will be my first post..?? Hmm... I think I'll set the template first.

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  • Alooha...!
    Welcome to my second blog but d first one with english. ;D
    Let me know if u need help... :)

    Soup of d Day

    You have all the skills in the world. But you have no confidence. {I Love U, Man movie}

    Where r Dey
