2 Exams to go… // HEY, I GOT THE SCHOLARSHIP!! finally…

Hi. Hi.

Yesterday (27 January 2010) I finally got my scholarship. Its finally official and legal. Phyuuuuhhh… I’ve been waiting for that for 7 months (actually more than a year). But whatever.. It’s mine already.

Thank God.. I’m independent enough to do what I want (hope so..) so I finish the this scholarship affairs by myself. :D Hahaha… After I got busted by the Student Affairs administrator in my exam class.. I cant help but run to finish this affairs alone. I’ve been waiting for my mediator to finish it, but he just disappear (n i guess he also divert my phone number).

So… Yayy!!! I have a scholarship now!!

Next exam will be Statistics (31 January) and after that is Research Method of Political Studies (3 February). Wish me luck for this Statistics. I hope it will be as easy as my friends said. Hmm.

Ttyl! ^___^

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  • Alooha...!
    Welcome to my second blog but d first one with english. ;D
    Let me know if u need help... :)

    Soup of d Day

    You have all the skills in the world. But you have no confidence. {I Love U, Man movie}

    Where r Dey
