It was in Friday, 30 October 2009. In the 2nd Hall of FEPS. Got some pictures.. Hehe.. Not ‘some’, but a looooooot!!! Well, I’ll submit it. And you, my dear SIFErs, can copy-paste it from there.
Here’s the points that I got when I think back about what’s happened:
1. It’s sooo good to be the leader (read: President). You can have your picture everywhere without the need to ask someone to take your picture. Look.. I have a lot of Sherif Kamel’s picture now… And say what.. I just realize it. Lol! Aywa… Who wants it?? Wahid bi geneh..! Wahid bi geneh……!!
2. As the opposite, the photographer will have nooo pictures in her own camera. Ok, take care.. I said ‘pictures’. Means that from all of those picture that the photographer took, there’ll be (or not gonna be) a picture of her with her friends which is taken by an amateur. Tho somehow amateur’s work isn’t that bad u know. The fact is: I got no picture of me in my own camera. Hiks! Alaa, the Head of Photography was took my picture twice maybe. But with her camera.. How can I ask her, and wait for that picture…???? Hmm..
3. ‘Big guys’ always sit in the back. (fyi, it happens everywhere)
Well.. here some pictures that I like. ;P
And this is the full album:
U can copas it as u like.
SIFE – a head of business, a heart of the world. <—I LOVE THIS WORD!!!
So, how the welcome party will be??? –_- I’m thinking bout join this paaarty. :D Shuf… Shuf..